Physical Symptoms


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Those who deal with upset stomach from anxiety will likely tell you this is one of their most impairing symptoms. It comes at inopportune moments, it is uncomfortable, and it has a tendency to make you feel sick in a way that is incredibly distracting and impair your day-to-day activities.

Stomach upset is one of the reasons that anxiety can be hard to differentiate from many common illnesses or indigestion, as the upset stomach may feel similar to these types of conditions. Only a doctor can rule out illness so it is important to seek guidance from your physician before assuming your stomach problems are due to anxiety. But if they are from anxiety, there are ways that you can reduce it.

Anxiety and Focusing on Stomach Discomfort



Types of Stomach Upset From Anxiety

Anxiety and the stomach are linked in a variety of ways, and these links also cause your upset stomach to be experienced in different ways. You may find that you have:

  • 胃痛
  • 恶心
  • Gurgling in your stomach
  • 烧心
  • 腹泻
  • Feeling of needing to go to the bathroom




Other causes include:

  • Adrenaline Body Changes肾上腺素与皮质醇(一种应激激素)协同作用,使身体对危险做出快速反应。这些激素可能会改变肠道的一般生理特性。此外,胃肠道系统中好细菌和坏细菌的比例可能会被这些激素改变。
  • Slowed Digestion焦虑激活了战斗或逃跑系统。研究表明,由于战斗或逃跑系统,消化速度会降低,这可能会导致肠胃不适。
  • Stomach TensionAnxiety also puts a great deal of pressure on the stomach muscles, and these, in turn, put pressure on the stomach. Any stomach pressure has the potential to change the way that your stomach feels during periods of stress.

The way stress affects your body is so unique to each individual that it can be hard to track exactly what it's doing to any given person. It may be that anxiety changes the way your body processes nutrients, leading to stomach upset. It may also be that when your immune system is weak from stress, germs that are present in your stomach bother your immune system more.

All of these are potential issues that lead to problems with your stomach during periods of stress.


胃部不适可以抑制你的ability to live a happy life. Ideally, you'll need to treat your anxiety to experience a calmer stomach.

Even though anxiety is causing your stomach to feel sick, many of the symptoms can be reduced with various medications. You should always consult with a doctor before taking medication and do not want to rely on medication to “cure” your upset stomach. However, many people have had success with basic medications that calm the stomach. Common examples include:

  • Tums
  • Pepto-Bismol
  • 罗莱兹


You may also try distracting yourself. While your upset stomach may be severe, anxiety causes a tendency to focus on the experience, which causes further anxiety and exacerbates the severity of the stomach pain. A positive distraction, like a funny TV show, can actually make a big difference in the way you experience your upset stomach.



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– Anonymous patient




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